The Inspector Hardwood Flooring Scanners from EBI at the NWFA
The EBI team will be present at the NWFA yearly exhibition in Arizona this year at the Phoenix Convention Centre from April 11 to April 14. Visit us at booth 1221 to see how the EBI hardwood scanners have made a name for themselves in the hardwood flooring manufacturing industry. Some of the most prestigious hardwood flooring manufacturers have chosen the EBI or Inspector brand scanners. Visit our booth to learn about which well-known hardwood flooring manufacturer chose the EBI scanners.
These scanners branded Inspector are made to optimize every inch of hardwood flooring. They are user-friendly scanners anyone from your sawmill can learn to operate and even master in a few hours.
EBI has been building and programming hardwood flooring scanners for the flooring industry since 2005. Our machines are built according to your own flooring mill grades, yield and wood waste tolerance.
EBI Kiln Motors at the NWFA
The EBI Kiln Duty Motors will also be displayed at our booth. Many hardwood flooring manufacturers have drying facilities and many dry kilns that require reliable dry kiln motors so that the quality of hardwood won’t be affected by inadequate electrical or mechanical problems related to dry kiln motors. Since 1995, the EBI dry kiln motor is now a trusted brand and many hardwood flooring manufacturers and wood kiln manufacturers have adopted the EBI dry kiln motors since 1995 such as Cathild, MEC, Mühlböck, SII Dry Kilns, Better Built Dry Kilns, and Wellons. Next time your maintenance manager greases the bearings of your dry kiln motors, ask about the nameplate of your kiln motor. EBI’s logo at the bottom of the dry kiln motor's name plate should mean peace of mind for hardwood flooring manufacturers who care about their drying process. Visit us at booth 1221 at the NWFA to meet your closest EBI dry kiln motor distributor.