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Energy Efficient Projects

Our Customers' Projects

Wooden chair manufacturing factory

OEM Industrial Dust Collector Manufacturer
Modulated dust collection system depending on machine use

Wooden door manufacturing factory
Modulated dust collection system depending on machine use

Wood die machining

LED lighting installation in new Amos factory section

LED lighting installation in new Chapleau factory section

LED lighting installation in new L'Ascension factory section

LED lighting installation in new Lévis factory section

LED lighting installation in new Sacré-Cœur factory section

LED lighting installation in new Gestera-Victoriaville factory

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices (3 factories)

Replacement of existing lighting with LED devices (3 factories)

Replacement of the entire exterior lighting in the garage and basement of the St-Honoré sawmill

Replacement of complete lighting at the St-Victor factory and offices

Sawmill lighting replacement

Compressor room ventilation and heat recovery system

Painting room
Modulated ventilation system depending on use

Painting room
Modulated ventilation system depending on use

Painting room
Modulated ventilation system depending on use

Painting room and garage
Modulated ventilation system depending on use

Restaurant kitchen
Modulated ventilation system depending on the temperature of the hoods

Restaurant kitchen
Modulated ventilation system depending on the temperature of the hoods

Aluminum extrusion manufacturing
Modulated factory ventilation system depending on smoke level and temperature

Composite materials molding plant
Modulated factory ventilation system depending on the temperature level and use of the presses

Welding factory
Modulated factory ventilation system depending on the smoke level